Prices & Performance

* The financial information displayed on this website are provided by Fundata Canada Inc. The contents are provided for informational purposes only. No representations or warranties, express or implied, are made by Fundata or Desjardins in connection with the exactitude, quality or completeness of such information and data. This web page and the widgets displayed on this website were developed by, Fundata Canada Inc. © Fundata Canada Inc. All Rights Reserved. - New window, external link

† Prices do not include distributions

Should these differ from official prices, the latter will prevail.

Desjardins Funds investment instructions received before 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone), on a day the Toronto Stock Exchange is open for business (“valuation date”), are carried out at the price in effect on that day. Instructions received after 4:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone), will be processed at the next valuation date's price.

Changes made to the SocieTerra Secure Market Portfolio’s composition, i.e. replacing the Ethical Monthly Income Fund with the Ethical Canadian Dividend Fund and the NEI Canadian Bond Fund, were made effective October 23, 2009. If these changes had been made in effect for the entire performance period, the portfolios’ performance could have been materially different.

T-Class Units offer regular monthly cash distribution which consists of net income and/or a non-taxable return of capital. The distribution amount is not guaranteed and may be adjusted by the Manager in accordance with long-term market conditions. The performance of the A-Class and T-Class units should be identical over the long term.

On June 8, 2015, the investment objective and the investment strategies of the Desjardins Environment Fund were amended. In order to better reflect these changes, the name of the Desjardins Environment Fund has been changed to Desjardins SocieTerra Environment Fund. Concurrently with the implementation of those changes, a new portfolio Sub-Manager was appointed. Those changes could have affected the performance of the Fund had they been in effect throughout the performance measurement period. Therefore, past performance of the Fund may not be repeated.

On November 24, 2014, the investment objective and the investment strategies of the Desjardins Completion Investments Fund were amended. In order to better reflect these changes, the name of the Desjardins Completion Investments Fund has been changed to Desjardins Global Inflation Linked Bond Fund. Concurrently with the implementation of those changes, a new portfolio Sub-Manager was appointed. Those changes could have affected the performance of the Fund had they been in effect throughout the performance measurement period. Therefore, past performance of the Fund may not be repeated.

The Desjardins Funds are not guaranteed, their value fluctuates frequently and their past performance is not indicative of their future returns. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns as indicated the date of the present document including changes in securities value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The Desjardins Funds are offered by such registered dealers as the Desjardins Financial Services Firm, a mutual fund dealer belonging to the Desjardins Group that distributes the Funds in caisses throughout Québec and Ontario, as well as through the Centre financier Desjardins.