Desjardins Funds

Our Funds and Portfolios can help you make your projects a reality.
You're living a full life. Between your current commitments and personal objectives, it can be difficult to get everything done at once. We can help you quickly and easily find portfolios that match your investor profile, as well as a comprehensive range of investment funds that meet your needs.

Our Portfolios

  • Chorus II Portfolios
    • Minimum initial investment of $100,000
    • Portfolios split between 2 objectives: Low Volatility and Growth
    • Broad diversification
  • Melodia Portfolios
    • All-in-one solution for investing across different asset classes
    • Portfolios split between 2 objectives: Income and Growth
    • Affordable: initial investment of $500[ 1 ] note
  • Desjardins Sustainable Portfolios
    • Responsible investments that make a difference
    • Interesting return potential, sometimes higher than the return on traditional investments[ 2 ] note
    • Affordable: initial investment of $500[ 1 ] note

Our Funds

  • Desjardins Funds
    • Individual funds in many asset classes
    • World-renowned portfolio managers
    • Tax-friendly and flexible income options
  • Desjardins Sustainable Funds
    • Targeted responsible investment strategies that make a difference
    • Interesting return potential, sometimes higher than the return on traditional investments[ 2 ] note
    • A perfect complement to your existing portfolio

I'm looking for

  • Low risk
  • Strong-Performing
  • Responsible
  • Investments paying a
    monthly income

Our Portfolio Managers

Well-diversified investment solutions

Desjardins excels at adopting an approach that draws on its in-house capabilities combined with the expertise of some of the most seasoned investment portfolio managers in the world. This approach enables Desjardins to offer a range of innovative and competitive funds that meet investors' different needs.

Our Portfolio Managers


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By phone

Montreal area:
514-CAISSES (514-224-7737)
Toll free number:
1-800-CAISSES (1-800-224-7737)

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