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Cards no longer available

We regularly update our range of credit cards to meet the needs of our clients. This means that some of our cards are no longer open to new applicants.

Still have one of these cards?

You can keep using it and enjoying the benefits and services.

Some of the features, like the annual fee and annual interest rate, are subject to change with 30 days' notice. For more details, check your credit card's terms and conditions.

Manage your credit card account online

If you have one of these cards:

  • Cash Back World Mastercard®
  • Classic Visa*
  • Modulo® Visa
  • Odyssey® Gold Visa – Low Interest Rate
  • Platinum Visa
  • Visa No-Fee Gold

If you have one of these cards:

  • Visa Student
  • Visa No-Fee Gold
  • Visa Travel Gold

Features, terms and conditions of discontinued cards

Classic Visa – Low Interest Rate

Key features

Classic Visa – BONUSDOLLARS®

Key features
  • Interest rate: 19.9%
  • Annual fee: $30
  • Grace period: 21 days to pay off your balance without incurring interest, except on cash advancesGo to note 1

Classic Visa – Low Interest Rate and BONUSDOLLARS

Key features

Other cards you may like

Key features

  • Interest rate: 12.9% on purchases and 14.9% on cash advancesGo to note 2
  • Annual fee: $50
  • Grace period: 25 days to pay off your balance without incurring interest, except on cash advancesGo to note 5

Other cards you may like

Key features

Other cards you may like

Key features

  • Interest rate: 19.9%
  • Optional low interest rate : 12.9%Go to note 2
  • Annual fee: none
  • Grace period: 21 days to pay off your balance without incurring interest, except on cash advancesGo to note 1

See the terms and conditions for the Visa Student card  (PDF)

Other cards you may like

Key features

  • Interest rate: 19.9%
  • Annual fee: none
  • Grace period: 21 days to pay off your balance without incurring interest, except on cash advancesGo to note 1

See the terms and conditions for the Visa No-Fee Gold credit card  (PDF)

See the BONUSDOLLARS Rewards Program rules for the Visa No-Fee Gold credit card (PDF)

Other cards you may like

Key features

  • Interest rate: 19.9%
  • Annual fee: $110
  • Grace period: 21 days to pay off your balance without incurring interest, except on cash advancesGo to note 1

See the terms and conditions for the Visa No-Fee Gold credit card de crédit Visa Or Voyages (PDF)

See the BONUSDOLLARS Rewards Program rules (PDF)

Other cards you may like

Private label and co-branded cards

These cards are no longer available and can't be used anymore. If you have one with a balance remaining, you'll continue to receive monthly statements until you pay it off.

For more details, check your credit card's terms and conditions.

Looking to get a new credit card?

Compare the cards in our current lineup to find the best one for you.

Change your credit card on AccèsD

You can request to change your card on AccèsD at any time. To do so, you need to log in to AccèsD using a web browser. You can't change your card in the mobile app.

  1. Log in to AccèsD.
  2. Select Cards, loans and credit.
  3. Select your credit card, then Manage card. Then select Manage account.
  4. In the left-hand menu, under Account management, select Upgrade or switch card.
  5. Select the card you want to change and follow the steps.
mobile Accès D main café plante

Manage your credit card account online

Use AccèsD to manage your credit card account anytime, anywhere.

  • View your statement
  • Pay your credit card bill
  • Lock or replace a card
  • See your BONUSDOLLARS or cash back balance

Download the Desjardins mobile services app

Got a Visa Student, No-Fee Gold or Travel Gold card?

Don't have an everyday account with us? Got a Best Buy card?

You can still use AccèsD to manage your credit card account, but you need to register first. Call us at 1-800-224-7737  Phone number of customer service for Canada and the US. This link opens your phone app. and we'll get you set up.

Contact us

By phone

Monday to Friday: 7 AM to 9 PM (Eastern Time)
Saturday and Sunday: 8 AM to 6 PM (Eastern Time)

Mastercard® and World Elite® are registered trademarks, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
Modulo® is a registered trademark of the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec.
Odyssey® is a registered trademark of the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec.
BONUSDOLLARS® is a registered trademark of the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec.
* Trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under licence.
You have 21 days from the date the monthly statement is issued to pay the full balance on your account without interest, except on cash advances. The minimum payment is 5% of the following: your outstanding balance, interest on purchases, monthly installments that were not paid by the due date for the previous period, regular purchases and cash advances from the current statement period, plus interest on cash advances. This amount will also include any other amounts due under your credit card contract. Here are some examples of applicable interest for a 30-day billing cycle: If the regular annual interest rate is 20.9% and your average daily outstanding balance is $100, you'd be charged $1.72 in interest. If it's $500, you'd be charged $8.59 in interest, and if it's $1,000 you'd be charged $17.18 in interest. If the regular annual interest rate is 21.9% and your average daily outstanding balance is $100, you'd be charged $1.80 in interest. If it's $500, you'd be charged $9.00 in interest, and if it's $1,000 you'd be charged $18.00 in interest.
Back to note reference 1
If you don't make the minimum payment by the due date, the annual interest rates on purchases and cash advances will increase to 19.9% until we receive your payment.
Back to note reference 2
You have 21 days from the date the monthly statement is issued to pay the full balance on your account without interest, except on cash advances. The minimum payment is 5%, or 3.5% if you used your card for the first time before August 1, 2019, of the following: your outstanding balance, interest on purchases and monthly installments that were not paid by the due date for that period, regular purchases and cash advances from the current statement period, plus the interest on those cash advances. This amount will also include any other amounts due under your credit card contract. Here are some examples of applicable interest for a 30-day billing cycle: If the regular annual interest rate is 12.9% and your average daily outstanding balance is $100, you'd be charged $1.06 in interest. If it's $500, you'd be charged $5.30 in interest, and if it's $1,000 you'd be charged $10.60 in interest.
Back to note reference 3
You have 25 days from the date the monthly statement is issued to pay the full balance on your account without interest, except on cash advances. The minimum payment is 5% of the following: your outstanding balance, interest on purchases and monthly installments that were not paid by the due date for the previous period, regular purchases and cash advances from the current statement period, plus interest on cash advances. This amount will also include any other amounts due under your credit card contract. Here are some examples of applicable interest for a 30-day billing cycle: If the regular annual interest rate is 10.9% and your average daily outstanding balance is $100, you'd be charged $0.90 in interest. If it's $500, you'd be charged $4.48 in interest, and if it's $1,000 you'd be charged $8.96 in interest. Here are some examples of applicable interest for a 30-day billing cycle: If the regular annual interest rate is 12.9% and your average daily outstanding balance is $100, you'd be charged $1.06 in interest. If it's $500, you'd be charged $5.30 in interest, and if it's $1,000 you'd be charged $10.60 in interest.
Back to note reference 4
You have 25 days from the date the monthly statement is issued to pay the full balance on your account. If you pay the full balance within this time, you won't pay interest on this amount, except on cash advances. The minimum payment is 5%, or 3.5% if you used your card for the first time before August 1, 2019, of the following: your outstanding balance, interest on purchases and monthly installments that were not paid by the due date for that period, regular purchases and cash advances from the current statement period, plus interest on cash advances. This amount will also include any other amounts due under your credit card contract. Here are some examples of applicable interest for a 30-day billing cycle: If the regular annual interest rate is 12.9% and your average daily outstanding balance is $100, you'd be charged $1.06 in interest. If it's $500, you'd be charged $5.30 in interest, and if it's $1,000 you'd be charged $10.60 in interest.  Examples of applicable interest for a 30-day billing cycle: If the regular annual interest rate is 14.9% and your average daily outstanding balance is $100, you'd be charged $1.22 in interest. If it's $500, you'd be charged $6.12 in interest, and if it's $1,000 you'd be charged $12.25 in interest.
Back to note reference 5