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Direct withdrawal (direct debit)

Automatically collect recurring payments directly from your clients' accounts.

What is direct withdrawal?

Direct withdrawal is a type of pre-authorized debit (PAD). It lets you receive automatic payments from your clients for recurring expenses.

What are the benefits of direct withdrawal?

  • Collect from accounts at any participating Canadian financial institution
  • Withdraw Canadian or US dollars
  • Securely send your direct withdrawal files through AccèsD Affaires
  • Speed up your cash inflows and ensure payment on a specific date
  • Get simple reports
  • Streamline your accounts receivable process

How does direct withdrawal work?

Before you can offer direct withdrawal to your clients, you need to get their permission to make pre-authorized debits from their account.

You can then withdraw funds directly from their account, whether it's at Desjardins or another participating Canadian financial institution.

The payments will be automatically deposited in your chequing account.

Direct deposit and withdrawal file creation tool

To set up direct deposit or direct withdrawal, you need to tell us what transactions you want us to process. You can use our tool to create direct deposit and withdrawal files which you can then send to us through AccèsD Affaires.

  • Online tool managed by our partner Technicost
  • Service available 24/7
  • Secure client space that protects your personal information


How do I set up direct withdrawal?

To offer your clients the direct withdrawal service, you must comply with requirements for pre-authorized debits.

  • Contact an advisor or your caisse or branch to sign up for the service.
  • Sign the enrollment form that you receive when you sign up.
  • Prepare a payor's PAD agreement that your client must complete and sign.

Create and send us a direct withdrawal file External link. with details of the transactions to be processed.

Is there a limit for direct withdrawal?

There is no pre-established limit for direct withdrawal. Your limit is set by your account manager based on your business's needs.

Get this service

Contact your account manager for personalized assistance.

If you don't have an account manager, contact our team.

We can call you when it's convenient.