Desjardins Web Panel

Tool designed for conducting online surveys among members and clients

  • Share your opinions and experiences.
  • Allow us to get a handle on your needs and expectations.
  • Be involved in decisions and keep abreast of new products.

What is the Desjardins Web Panel?

  • It is the tool designed for conducting online surveys among members and clients who do business with Desjardins
  • It is a group of people like you, Desjardins members and clients, who agree to share their opinions and experiences through occasional online surveys.

As a cooperative, we have the interests of our members and clients at heart. Your participation in these surveys allows Desjardins Group to quickly and easily get a handle on your needs and expectations.

Why sign up?

  • To be at the heart of the decision-making process—sharing your opinion and influencing the development of products and services designed for you
  • To keep up to date on new products and services—testing them out and commenting on them

You could win cash prizes:

  • Panellists who answered a survey during the month will be entered in a monthly draw for a $500 cash prize.
  • Panellists will also be entered in an annual draw for a $500 cash prize.

For more information, see the monthly contest rules (in French only, PDF,182 KB) - This link will open in a new window. and the annual contest rules (in French only, PDF, 114 KB) - This link will open in a new window..

Who can become a panellist?

To be a panellist, you must:

  • Be a Desjardins member or client
  • Be a Canadian resident
  • Be the age of majority in your province of residence
  • Have a valid email address (personal or business)
  • Fill out the registration form and confirm your registration

See the General Conditions and How the Desjardins Web Panel Works

Note: To ensure the confidentiality of your personal information, the Qualtrics polling company has been tasked with developing and hosting the registration form you are about to fill out. You will be automatically redirected to the Qualtrics website.

For more information, contact us by email - This link will open in a new window..