Become a caisse director

Serving on your caisse's board of directors means using your experience to advocate for our members and communities, ensuring their needs remain at the core of every decision.

Call for nominations

The call for nominations starts each year in the third week of January.

In the meantime, you can contact your caisse to talk about your interest in a director position.

Find a caisse

"I think it's very important for the board to represent our community by including older folks, younger folks, members of racialized groups and both men and women."

– Jules Arsenault, Tax Lawyer

About the director position

  • Share your expertise

  • Join a collective force of 2,400 people

  • Represent members in decision-making

In March or April, at the caisse's annual general meeting (AGM), members elect their new representatives for a 3-year term on the board of directors.

The board focuses on the interests of members, of the caisse and of Desjardins Group. Newly elected directors have access to an orientation and integration program, mandatory training, and a variety of other tools to help them understand their roles.

Seeking diverse candidates

Each caisses's board of directors sets targets for skills and representation to ensure it can fulfill its responsibilities. The board's composition is meant to reflect members and the community, comprising people with a wide range of skills and of different genders, cultures and ages. Directors can have experience in a variety of areas, including customer service, legal services, cooperatives, accounting and business management. For details on open positions and target profiles, refer to your caisse's nomination form.

Main responsibilities

  • Understand and meet the needs of caisse members
  • Analyze, make decisions and monitor caisse matters
  • Ensure that the caisse is managed in a sound and prudent manner in compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks
  • Protect the organization's long-term success while upholding Desjardins's mission, values and cooperative nature
  • Make sure that the caisse contributes to responsible and sustainable development in the community

What's involved?

Directors serve a 3-year term and are compensated for their duties and responsibilities. Below is an overview of the approximate number of board meetings, which may be held either in person or online.

Board meetings

Approximately 10 per year

Board committee meetings

Approximately 4 per year

Federation meetings

Approximately 4 per year

Board of directors

Each caisse has a board of directors of up to 15 people who work to address the needs of caisse members. The board plays a central role in caisse governance and development.

Learn more about board duties

"We have a number of highly motivated board members who go out into the community and talk to organizations and financial partners to drum up support for meaningful local projects and help our members find solutions."

– Amy Li St-Laurent, student

How to apply

Are you interested in becoming a caisse director? Have a look at the eligibility criteria, view your caisse's call for nominations and find out how to apply starting in the third week of January.

Check the eligibility criteria

You are eligible if:

  • You've been a member of your caisse for at least 90 days prior to the annual general meeting (AGM)
  • You live, work or have a permanent address in Quebec
  • You're 18 or older
  • You do not work for Desjardins Group
  • You meet the criteria outlined in the Information kit (PDF, 3.5 MB).

View the nomination documents for your caisse


  1. Email your completed Nomination form and resumé to your caisse before the deadline on the form. The email address is indicated in the call for nominations.
  2. You'll receive an email confirmation a few days later.
  3. Your caisse will contact you to discuss your file.

Information kit

To learn more about the director position refer to the Information kit (PDF, 3.5 MB).

Board Succession program

The Board Succession program offers caisse members a chance to learn more about how the board of directors works and to contribute to their caisse’s performance. Candidates selected by the board participate in board meetings and discussions, though they do not have voting rights. It's an opportunity to represent your community and embody cooperative values. Contact your caisse to find out if it participates in the program and when you can apply.

Testimonials: Community at the heart of their work

  • "Being the voice of our members and clients is a responsibility I really care about."

    – Ginette Bolduc, retiree

  • "I work in finance, but on the board, I see all sorts of other dimensions, like governance, ethics and human resources. Things I don’t see in my everyday life."

    – Véronique Chery, accounting technician

  • "It's gratifying to see that our work makes a real difference for entrepreneurs and organizations."

    – Kevin Coderre, Administrative Attaché

Contact us

Contact us if you have any questions.

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