Desjardins Retirement Calculator

Calculating how much you need to save for retirement may seem complicated, but our advisors are here to help. They’re in the best position to draw up a plan based on your needs and answer any questions you may have.

In the meantime, you can use the calculator to:

  • See if your retirement goals are realistic
  • Understand what’s influencing your retirement savings
  • Track the progress of your personal savings and retirement income
  • Compare different scenarios
All information is required.
Amounts are in today's dollars.

Step 1. Your situation

All information is required. Amounts are in today's dollars.
years old
The younger you start to contribute, the easier it will be to reach your retirement goals.
Enter your gross income, including your salary for the period selected.

Your risk tolerance may change over the course of your life, especially as you approach retirement. It's important to keep your tolerance in mind even if it means saving more for retirement.
How do we establish return profiles?

Share the tool

Important notice: Your data will not be shared.

Important notice: Your data will not be shared.

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Contact an advisor

By phone

Montreal area:
  • 514-224-7737 (514-CAISSES)
Elsewhere in Canada and the US:
  • 1-800-224-7737 (1-800-CAISSES)

On AccèsD

Book an appointment on AccèsD if you're a member, and meet with an advisor online, in person or over the phone.
Book an appointmenton Acc�sD

Use our simplified tool on AccèsD

Want to get a quick snapshot of your situation at retirement? Use the My retirement tool on AccèsD. Log in to AccèsD, and select Savings goals in the right-hand menu of the desktop version or in the Quick Access menu at the bottom of the screen if you're using the mobile app. Then, select Retirement to create a savings goal. You can save your simulation and view it whenever you want.

Make an appointment

An advisor will help you determine your retirement goals and draw up a personalized financial plan.

On AccèsD

Book an appointment on AccèsD if you're a member, and meet with an advisor online, in person or over the phone.

Book an appointment - on AccèsD. This link opens in a new tab.